If you are a foreigner and you are trying to obtain your residence visa in Spain you should know that, as reflected in the “Código Nacional de Extranjería“, it is mandatory that the person applying for a residence visa has a compulsory medical insurance for foreigners in Spain that provides full coverage and has been contracted with an insurer operating in the country.
The certificate that guarantees the possession of an insurance of this nature will be required when a foreign person who is not resident in any member country of the European Union requests his visa .
If you are interested in hiring this type of insurance in Spain you should know that these offer certain advantages over public health to take:
Choice of hospital in case of needing hospitalization.
Possibility to visit a specialist without the need to go to a family doctor beforehand.
Elimination of waiting lists.
Best benefits for you and your family.
Do you know SALUS?
SALUS is an expatriate health insurance company.More information in www.scinnova.es, link: HEALTH INSURANCE