If you are a foreigner and you are trying to obtain your residence visa in Spain you should know that, as reflected in the “Código Nacional de Extranjería“, it is mandatory that the person applying for a residence visa has a compulsory medical insurance for foreigners in Spain that provides […]

Mandatory medical insurance for foreigners in Spain.

With this new addition, SC INNOVA it aims to satisfy and comply with the commitment and expectations of customers, offering them tailor made products in which, depending on the coverages, the price of the insurance policy will be determined. SC INNOVA acoge una nueva compañía de seguros: MGS, Seguros y […]

SC INNOVA hosts a new insurance company: MGS, Seguros y ...

Your home is unique and special, so in SC INNOVA you have tailor made insurance, which they adapt to you and yours, including your pet, without having to worry about anything. Home Guarantee Damage Fire, explosion and smoke. Fall of lightning or abnormal currents of electricity supplied. Acts of vandalism […]

What does home insurance cover?

A distraction results in a lack of attention that can cause a way out or a collision with other vehicles. The best way to cope with any mistakes while driving is to minimize any focus that may cause us a distraction. 1.Browser or radio. The manipulation of the navigator or […]

The most common distractions for drivers.

Si sufres un accidente con tu coche y queda siniestro total ¿sabes qué ocurre después? ¿Qué es lo que consideran las aseguradoras como “siniestro total”?  En este artículo aclaramos tus dudas y te damos soluciones. ¿Cuándo considera una aseguradora que el coche ha quedado siniestro total? El concepto “siniestro total” […]

¿Has tenido un accidente? Descubre qué ocurre en caso de ...

  If the law considers your dog to be potentially dangerous, it requires you to insure it. Si la ley considera tu perro como potencialmente peligroso, ésta obliga a asegurarlo. If your dog is not among the potentially dangerous breeds, you do not have the obligation. But doing so has […]

What if your dog bites another person? – ¿Qué pasaría ...

     If I’m involved in a car accident under the influence of alcohol, will I be covered under my insurance? If you are pulled over whilst driving, tested for alcohol and are found to be over the limit, the first thing that you could be facing is a heavy […]

Driving under the influence of alcohol.

SC INNOVA existe para atender las necesidades del sector seguros ofreciendo siempre a nuestros clientes la tranquilidad y profesionalidad que se merece. Para nosotros, es de suma importancia el estar cerca para escuchar, resolver dudas, incidencias y sobre todo; satisfacer las exigencias de nuestros clientes. ¡Mantener un cliente es tan […]

SC INNOVA no cierra en vacaciones.

It is advisable that you include the details of every driver, whether they are regular or occasional, on your vehicle’s insurance policy. Now, if your insurance company only allows you to add the name of one driver, it is important that you include the driver with the least experience – […]

Which drivers should I include on my car’s insurance policy?